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Where We Work

Currently, Partners In Health collaborates with national governments in 11 countries, across four continents, to ensure quality health care is available in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. Our work focuses on strengthening public health systems to ensure patients receive the care they need—and deserve—in their homes, neighborhood clinics, and regional hospitals.

11 countries served. 18,000 staff employed globally. 99% staff from countries served.


A patient stands at a counter while a medical professional in a white coat writes in an office.


Zanmi Lasante, a sister organization to PIH, has worked alongside the Haitian Ministry of Health for three decades to provide health care in two of the country’s most underprivileged and remote regions.  


Dr. Yerkebulan Algozhin, endTB/Kazakhstan Team Leader, observes as the first patient takes a dose of new TB drugs in Kazakhstan.


In Kazakhstan, PIH is redefining tuberculosis care and fighting the world’s deadliest infectious disease through technical assistance, patient accompaniment, and access to new TB drugs.





PIH nurse Seabata Ntsibane administers treatment to MDR-TB patient Khamokha Khamokha.


Known locally as Bo-mphato Litsebeletsong Tsa Bophelo, PIH works to strengthen health systems, combat high rates of HIV and TB, improve maternal and child health, and reshape care delivery.



Staff work at the Youth Friendly Center at J.J. Dossen hospital in Harper, Liberia.


PIH came to Liberia to fight Ebola at the government’s request, but stayed to help strengthen the public health system and improve access to care alongside the Ministry of Health.




 Dr. Sitalire Kapira (Left), Maternal & Child Health Specialist at APZU , and  Lucius Haracio (Right), a nurse at Neno District Hospital.


Partners In Health has worked since 2007 in the rural, southern district of Neno, Malawi, to provide comprehensive, integrated care for more than 140,000 people.



CES pediatrician during a brief consultation with a patient and his mother.


Known locally as Compañeros En Salud, PIH is training the next generation of clinicians and improving access to health care in rural Chiapas—one of Mexico’s most marginalized states.



Davis and Williams (right) go over nutrition information together.

Navajo Nation

PIH is a proud partner of Community Outreach and Patient Empowerment (COPE), which works with local partners to address health disparities faced by American Indian populations.



5 adults sit with 3 children in a childcare setting.


Known locally as Socios En Salud, PIH is fighting diseases and improving health care access in some of Peru’s most vulnerable communities.



The Community Based Education program at the University of Global Health Equity.


Known locally as Inshuti Mu Buzima, PIH has worked in Rwanda since 2005, helping the government bring high-quality health care to more than 860,000 people across three districts.



Susan Kamara is holding her 6-month-year old girl Salimatu.

Sierra Leone

In the wake of Ebola, and amidst some of the world’s worst health outcomes, PIH is investing in health systems across Sierra Leone, transforming health care and radically reducing maternal mortality.