Our Impact

Everyone should have access to quality health care. But for millions around the world, that’s not the reality.

  • In 2019, 10 million people fell ill with tuberculosis, and 1.4 million people died from TB.
  • Almost 95% of all maternal deaths occurred in low and lower middle-income countries in 2020.
  • In 2019, an estimated 5.2 million children under 5 years died mostly from preventable and treatable causes.
Where we work

PIH’s Global Impact 

With your support, Partners In Health delivers healthcare to some of the world’s most underserved communities, working alongside local governments to drive lasting change. Last year, the PIH global network provided:

  • 3.1 million outpatient visits in our PIH-supported clinics.  
  • Over 11,340 PIH-supported CHWs worldwide  
  • 847,500 home visits conducted by CHWs 

Our 2023 Impact Report 

Partners In Health is proving that quality care can and must be accessible to all people—starting with those most marginalized by illness and injustice. 


“Every time that we have turned our attention to an intractable problem, it has proven to be quite tractable.” - Dr. Paul Farmer 

Impact Stories: 

Mots’elisi’s Story 
Mots’elis Photo

3,200 patients completed a full course of TB Treatment in 2023.


Deila Bruno’s Story
Delia Bruno and Child

155,400 Prenatal-Care Visits were made in 2023.


Raphaël’s Story 
Jolene and Raphael

More than 2,250 children were cured of malnutrition between 2022-2023 in Haiti.

Cruz Antonio Sifuente’s Story 
Cruz Antonio Patient Image

47,000 patients were in HIV in Care as of 2023.


Your Impact 

Join the movement to make health care accessible for everyone. Take the first step today. 


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