


Start a monthly donation to begin a true partnership based on solidarity, not charity. Together, we commit for the long-term, saving lives now and building ever-improving health systems hand-in-hand with unjustly impoverished communities.

Your monthly contributions:

  • Save lives right now by funding urgent medical care
  • Build a brighter future through health system strengthening
  • Allow for better planning and long-term impact


    Deliver care to people who need it most…

    Susan was 17-years-old and pregnant in rural Sierra Leone—one of the world’s most dangerous places to give birth. Her own mother died giving birth to her.

    She safely underwent the surgery at her local PIH-supported public hospital, where monthly donors’ steady contributions are producing major improvements in care. Until recently, the c-section she needed to survive childbirth would’ve been impossible in a shuttered health system reeling from war, centuries of exploitation, and Ebola.

    ...and change global policy with our example

    Susan’s story is one of millions, and the impact of her example is global.

    First, we prove high-quality health care is possible anywhere. Then, we use that example to enact global change and teach organizations around the world not only that delivering health care as a human right is possible anywhere, but also exactly how to do it.

    We make open-ended commitments to the communities we serve. We build world-class health systems in partnership with impoverished people—people written off by policymakers as lost causes or somehow undeserving of the quality health care they’d want for their own families. And then we use that proof to remove the most common excuse for inaction—the idea that action wouldn’t help.

    Monthly donors make it possible

    From Mount Pleasant, SC, Gail became a monthly donor because each of her steady donations builds upon the previous ones, and over time her partnership is far more powerful than sporadic charitable giving would be.

    “[I give monthly because] I know it helps for the organization to have income that is regular.”

    Gail knows that long-term systemic problems require long-term solutions. She says, “I have known about PIH for a long time and admired the work they do and have done. I like that PIH is very committed to training and building to allow independence and healthcare that is not dependent on outside help all the time.”

    "With rare exceptions, all of your most important achievements on this planet will come from working with others—or, in a word, partnership." - Dr. Paul Farmer


    PIH’s community of monthly donors, known collectively as Paul’s Partners, are, well, partners. We know you’re on this team for the long term, and we’re so grateful. You’ll get access to:

    • Behind-the-scenes monthly impact reports that deliver uplifting stories and the impact of your partnership
    • Early access to exclusive PIH gear to demonstrate your passion for health care as a human right
    • Community surveys and events to help guide the direction of communications


    The community of monthly donors who make our global impact possible and deliver lifesaving health care to people and families most in need is called “Paul’s Partners.”

    It’s named after PIH’s co-founder, the late Dr. Paul Farmer. As a medical student, he joined hands with colleagues in Haiti to begin to deliver health care as a human right in a small rural settlement. Nearly 40 years later, those first partnerships have grown into a world-changing team of 19,000 people, building health systems and delivering care across a dozen countries.

    The impact of his example will be felt for generations, and through us, his partners, his unfinished work continues.


    We know we have far to go, but we also know we can make it if we push together.