
New York Times: A Donation to Honor the Vision of Dr. Paul Farmer

Published by PIHC on

NY Times Opinion – Written by Zeynep Tufekci

Posted on December 5, 2022

(Photo by Pavel Popov / New York Times)

Originally published on the New York Times.

Excerpt: “Shortly after Paul Farmer helped get Partners in Health off the ground in 1987, international global health groups were debating whether it was even possible to treat poor patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, as its treatments were expensive and required patients to stick to complicated regimens. Indeed, even ordinary tuberculosis for which cheaper drugs and proven regimens existed kept killing poor people around the world.

Farmer, and the band of can-do mavericks who had assembled around P.I.H., had no patience for such excuses — or any excuses for denying care to poor people.

Their programs, based on providing high-quality care regardless of patients’ ability to pay and empowering them in their own treatment, were so successful that they upended global public health.”

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