
No More Stupid Deaths

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Millions of people — many of them young and most of them poor — will die around the world this year from diseases and conditions for which safe, effective and affordable treatments exist.

These are what our patients and colleagues in Haiti call “stupid deaths” – unjust deaths that could be prevented if quality health care were made accessible to those who need it most. The phrase captures the anger and frustration we feel when these deaths continue to occur, despite the fact that we know quality care can be provided anywhere in the world.

Calling them “stupid deaths” does not blame those who have died due to lack of health care, but rather calls attention to a system that failed to provide them with what they needed and deserved to be healthy.

For more than 30 years, Partners In Health has committed to ensuring that every mother can give birth safely, every injured child can receive emergency treatment, and every person with a treatable disease can access care. Our mission is to build a world where there are no more stupid deaths.

Are you with us?

Meet Fanta

When 18-year-old Fanta Karoma found out she was pregnant, she feared the worst. Fanta lives in Sierra Leone, where women have a 1 in 17 lifetime risk of dying in childbirth.

But with PIH’s help, Fanta gave birth safely to her son John via C-section at nearby Koidu Government Hospital.

This year, clinicians at PIH-supported facilities are on track to provide more than 30,000 facility-based deliveries, including 6,000 lifesaving C-Sections, for women around the world.

Learn more about Fanta.

With your help, we can continue building a world where every mother receives the care they need to have a healthy pregnancy and birth.

Make your lifesaving gift today. 

Meet Agnes

Roughly 10% of adults in Malawi live with HIV, and Agnes Paulo is one of them. With the support of PIH, Agnes takes antiretroviral therapy to control the disease, and did so throughout her pregnancy with her youngest son, Ulemu.

By taking ART consistently, Agnes has dramatically reduced the chance that her infant son will contract the virus. She is among the 30,000 people for whom PIH has provided lifelong ART treatment around the world.

Learn more about Agnes.

With your help, we can continue building a world where every person with HIV has access to lifesaving antiretroviral therapy and where every person suffering from TB is able to receive care. A world where no one is left to die from treatable diseases.

Make your lifesaving gift today. 

Meet Dr. Plantin and Dr. Colinet

The Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais, built and supported by PIH in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, serves as a tertiary care centre for a catchment area of over 3.1 million people. The modern hospital also serves as a training centre for the next generation of Haitian medical professionals, including Dr. Jimmy Plantin and Dr. Faikha Colinet.

Dr. Plantin and Dr. Colinet are two of Haiti’s first homegrown emergency medicine physicians. Since graduating from the PIH Canada supported residency program in 2017, they have been working with the hospital team to treat and care for some of the most difficult and complex cases in the country.

Learn more about Dr. Plantin and Dr. Colinet.

Together we can empower local health professionals with the skills, tools, and facilities to deliver high quality, dignified care for every single person in their communities who needs it.

Make your lifesaving gift today. 

From all of us at Partners In Health Canada, thank you for your generosity and support in helping us build a world with no more stupid deaths.

Every person, no matter who they are or where they’re from, deserves the best health care we know how to offer.

Join us in building a more just and equitable world by making a gift today.

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